Sunday, 5 August 2012

Catching Up

It is no secret that at this time of the year, businesstravel and corporate chauffeur work is much quieter than normal. As some factories shut for maintenance; school holidays take effect and people take a break, our work reduces.

The last week has been fantastic. I managed to watch educational TV programmes; read a whole load of trade magazines; delete a few hundred old emails and clear a stack of paperwork. I’ve even managed to fit in some cycling again too.

As I have finally managed to do things which have been outstanding for so long, I have also been reflecting on where my time actually goes on a normal week. As a result I’m questioning if everything I do actually adds value?

Maybe it is time to apply some lean principles? Maybe I should identify which tasks add value and for all the areas that don’t, they should be treated as waste and eliminated. Then maybe I could start to add even more value to DrivenByQ?