Friday, 3 December 2010

The Three Golden Rules

A couple sit together in the back of a chauffeur-driven car as the driver heads for their destination. For a while they don’t speak but then they become animated and continue an argument over the TV remote control. They start to accuse each other of being unfair before one turns to the driver and asks “What do you think?”

Years ago, when I first joined the private hire industry, I was lucky to have an experienced driver take me under his wing and pass on some wisdom. Little did I know about the three golden rules of conversation? He took me to one side and said “There are three things you never talk about! Stick to these and you’ll be alright: One, don’t discuss politics. Two, don’t talk about religion and three - you don’t do domestics!!”

I took on board his advice. It proved some of the best guidance I’ve ever had. Even though a lot of people who travel with me are very inquisitive about the UK economy or which political party is in power, I am always conscious never to express an opinion or be biased in any way.

When it comes to politics or religion it is pretty straight forward to be impartial. However, when it comes to who should have the TV remote control, maybe it is better to ask where we are going again?

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