With all that has happened in my personal life this year (getting
engaged, married and having a baby), I have been fairly hands-off as Managing Director of DrivenByQ. That has not been such a bad thing though. The business
has been steady and it has not needed any drastic changes.
Over time, you can monitor things and identify where
improvements need to be made. In addition, you can fine tune the direction you
want to take before making any alterations. Quite critically for us, we are
also nearing a point where a restructure is needed if we are to continue
Now things are settling in my personal life I want to focus and
begin making the changes I believe are necessary. If we are to continue growing
the first thing is to assume the Duty Manager role for more than a week a month.
This is not just to understand our current requirements but also to drive
projects forward too.
Top of my agenda is to revisit our social media channels. Not
only do they need updating but they need to ensure a coordinated approach
in reinforcing our brand. This will also help with the
ranking of our new web site when it is released. It will be key to the success of our
digital marketing strategy too.