December is a time that brings its own special challenges.
For all of us at DrivenByQ we know to approach this time of year slightly
differently when asked if we can provide transport for the all-important office
party. It has been off the agenda for a while but this year, it is making a
From experience, we know around 35% of people invited will
change their plans at least three times. 10% of people will drop-out (usually
at short notice). 5% of people will decide to attend even though they
originally declined and nearly everyone needs to consult a partner to arrange
child-care, pet care or even parent-care.
At the end of the evening, things often take a twist. Passengers
ask drivers to wait while they find their belongings (including partners), they
request additional passengers to be transported, enquire if they can go to different
addresses or question if they can be picked up at a later time.
At DrivenByQ we leave extra time between bookings.
Rearranging things at short notice is extra work but just like a swan gliding through
water, on the surface everything appears calm and collected while underneath
there is some frantic paddling going on. Luckily we have the experience to deal
with the situation and importantly the patience too.