Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Pessimistic Achiever

A few weeks ago, someone mentioned to me that a lot of what I write in a blog sounds negative or even pessimistic. In some ways, I was happy to receive feedback but in other ways, it left me wondering if my writing style needed to change?

I suppose this ‘chauffeur blog’ is reflective of my strategic decisions that influence the future of DrivenByQ as a business. That means I am deep, analytical and constantly searching for anything that could cause a potential problem.

I like to think about things and mull it over. It is so that way before a small issue can develop, a plan is already in place to deal with it. In a way, it is like a chess game with many variables, countless possible outcomes and an ever present threat of defeat.

You have to stay one step ahead and think about your next moves! I believe considering the negative is essential if you want to achieve the positive. Maybe the negative does get mentioned in my blog but I think it is important to be honest too.

As a business owner, when I write about negativity, it is a risk because potential customers may perceive it as uncertainty. In the depths of hypothetical problems and catastrophe however exists genius answers and solutions and these without doubt are what provide the passion and real credibility of what is DrivenByQ.