Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Seeing The Wood For The Trees

It has been well over two years since I started writing a blog and from the beginning I knew it would be a big commitment. It takes time to think about a subject and then how to write about it and I knew it would be tough finding that time but still, I thought I could publish a blog about running achauffeur company every week – except for certain circumstances like holidays.

Lately, I haven’t published so much because of some major changes in my personal life – all positive and all for the better I might add. In particular, for the last three months I have had a rather large DIY project on the go which has swallowed a big chunk of my time and left very little occasion for anything else, including DrivenByQ.

It has been interesting to see the effect of taking time away from the managerial side of the business. More specifically, it has been revealing to observe how the general feel of DrivenByQ has changed without so much of my input. It is notable how personalities within the business have responded and how their effect has altered the dynamic.

I don’t think customers noticed my time away so much but there is definitely something different when I am not around. It is difficult to quantify what makes us the business we are when we are on form but with the advantage of objectivity, I’ve been able to distinguish that what makes our company so recognisable as DrivenByQ is quite simply our ‘attitude’.