At one of my first networking events, an experienced businessman very kindly gave me some excellent advice. He explained how networking meetings should not be viewed as a quick fix to finding new business. In fact it is the opposite. It takes time, it takes patience and it takes persistence.
He went on to ask me if there was something in life I really wanted. Something I would work my whole life for? I said yes, I would love to own a classic Ferrari sports car. He then asked me, “If you had that car and it meant a lot to you, would you hand the key to a complete stranger and let them take it for a drive?”, you can probably guess my reply.
He went on to explain, it takes time to build a business and your customers are the same as the Ferrari. You would not let a complete stranger anywhere near them because of how precious they are to you. So if somebody approaches me today and asks for an introduction to a customer, do you think I do it within six months of meeting them?