Saturday, 17 September 2011

A Perfect Ten

Next week, I have a ten minute presentation to a business group. In that time I have to inform the members about DrivenByQ, where we are positioned in the market, what makes a perfect customer and what is our unique selling point.

Originally I began writing pages and pages of information but of course, that would be impossible to communicate and incredibly boring. Instead, I have decided to write as much as I can and then pick out what is important. It is probably a good idea to make the presentation entertaining too.

As usual I will be using Power Point to display some bullet points and pictures which will keep things on track. As an introduction, the history of our company in the last six years will be covered (briefly) then the focus will turn to how we came to target the niche for which we cater. Finally, the presentation will detail our mobile technology, fantastic customer service and where lean principles save so much money.

Taking people from A to B is the part that everybody understands but the booking process really intrigues people. They still find it unbelievable that we take very few phone calls and don’t have administrative staff even though we have such a good volume of work. If I start waffling on about cloud computing and collaborative communication technology though, do you think they might fall asleep?