Friday, 25 January 2019

Reflection Time

Every once in a while (like January), it is good to stop, reflect and review a few things. For a business to succeed, there has to be a strategy or goal so that our efforts are not wasted. I love the principle Toyota use for this of ‘Hoshin Kanri’ or True North. Hoshin Kanri is setting a compass needle and then following it to a desired destination. Having such direction is great as it keeps a team focussed, it informs everyone where they are going and it makes everyday decision making easier - all you have to ask yourself is, ‘will this help us fulfil our goal’?

So what is our goal? Well, it was set out in our original business plan many moons ago: First we wanted to create a great local company with a reputation for customer service. Second we wanted to manage it with an online booking system and then we wanted ‘growth’. That growth would utilise economies of scale - which were possible through the efficiencies created by our booking system and regional branding. So how are we doing?

Well, our ten-year-old cloud system needs a rebuild. Luckily, we have already started work on a state-of-the-art new system which comes online later this year. This time it can be sold to other companies too (so it will generate revenue).

To keep growing locally, we changed our VAT system last year so we could increase from £200k a year turnover to £1m without any more hurdles. This has already seen the employment of new staff members and the introduction of a pension scheme.

Further to this we replaced older cars with ‘brand new’ Mercedes vehicles. We also recognised that to grow regionally we needed work from a new source. To achieve this we went live with our new Manchester Airport website and had our first booking.

On reflection, despite the technicalities of specifications and regulations and legalities, we are on track. It is encouraging too when DrivenByQ keeps growing despite new customers saying they had “never heard of DrivenByQ”. Maybe that wasn’t part of our plan but at least it saved on marketing.