Over the last few months I’ve had a number of occasions to
feel disappointed in the service I’ve received from other people. Typical
things include a meal arriving late in a restaurant or when a car-wash doesn’t
clean part of the car.
I understand that sometimes things go wrong – it can
happen to anyone and sometimes all the planning in the world cannot prevent incidents
occurring. What is most important though is how you deal with a situation
after the event.
Great customer service is understanding your
customer's emotional state and doing everything possible to make things right. This is
where you earn your reputation and people talk about what you did to put
something right rather than what went wrong.
At DrivenByQ mistakes don’t happen very often. If they do, we
commit a lot of resources on fixing them. We take a deliberate
approach in delivering the very best customer service. First we apologise, next
we investigate and then we do something exceptional.