Friday, 13 April 2012

Why Reinvent The Wheel?

Over the last few weeks our work levels have increased. In response, we have introduced new drivers. Initially we send them job details by email or SMS with something like ‘Mr A, at 08.30 from Hotel X to Office Y’. This is fine for a short period but we prefer to introduce our booking system as soon as possible.

Traditionally, most drivers keep a diary but occasionally they forget to transfer information in to it. In addition, they can accumulate corrections and scribbles when journeys get frequently changed which can become confusing to interpret. Further still if copying information manually there is always the possibility to make mistakes.

At DrivenByQ we store our data electronically in the cloud. This way, everyone has access to it remotely and it is always current or up-to-date. Not only that, but it facilitates faster, more efficient communication. When you add online booking to the equation, everything becomes highly automated too.

Using data electronically means our team can manipulate it or add value without ever needing to copy information manually outside of one integrated system. In some ways, it is like a production line flowing raw materials in to a finished product. This is critical for our team to comprehend because it transfers us to a different realm of administrative efficiency, removing tasks and virtually eliminating overheads. It keeps us lean; reduces errors; lowers costs and delivers higher quality to our customer.

Presenting our booking system early on and explaining how it works is an opportunity to introduce our culture. The focus though is not high-tech gadgetry but high quality service. All we ask is that drivers have their own smart phone to login and read jobs securely. When they realise changes made by a customer are immediate on their device, they also recognise our technology means a lot less effort for them too. After all, that is what efficiency is all about.