Friday, 27 May 2011

Throttle Control

If I’m honest the last couple of years have been a bit boring. The pressure has been huge and despite my best efforts it has felt like our company has stood still. Having less revenue and low profit is like having your hands tied. The focus turns to cash flow and bank balances rather than growth and prosperity - it becomes very academic and far too sensible.

Recently I’ve discussed whether or not it is the right time to start investing in maintaining our competitiveness. I suppose what I was actually doing is asking if now is the time to develop an appetite for risk? Is it time to stop managing the effect of a recession and instead start thinking about an upturn? After all, we’ve been on the up since the start of this year.

If so then, just the thought of growth and development gets me excited. It is just like starting the business all over again. I remember the early days when I innocently believed I could change the world with an idea or vision - just the enthusiasm alone was enough to win new customers and that enthusiasm was incredibly infectious!

Currently, I’m going right back to basics and questioning what was the key to our growth? Was it really just a pure belief? The big difference this time is that we have the experience to harness the raw hunger and sincere passion of that belief. We also have the technology, the resources and knowledge to make it all count.