Tuesday 15 February 2011

It’s All About People

Usually I post my blog on a Friday but last week I was on the motorway when a car crashed in front of me. I pulled over to help. My passenger jumped out too and we both ran back to the battered car embedded in a crash barrier. Its driver was semi-conscious and in pain.

It is nearly ten years since I began driving for a living and I have met some people in that time! The work has changed since the early days of inebriated passengers on a Saturday night but I still remember meeting someone in the first weeks of doing the job. He was going out for his daughter’s birthday but told me she had died two years earlier. He opened up and said he could not sit at home and be upset. He preferred to go out and celebrate the short time he’d had with her. I found that hard to comprehend. If you have never been in that situation though, how could anybody understand his thoughts, feelings or emotions?

A lot of people think that a driver’s job is to just to drive but it is so much more! It is to take care of passengers and the people you meet in life. Now I drive for business customers but find individuals are mostly the same – they all have something going on in their life and they all have emotions that make them human.

As for the injured driver last Friday, we stayed with him and reassured him until paramedics and fire crews arrived. We watched them cut the roof off his car but gladly, I have heard today that he survived and is on the mend. What a relief!


  1. One of the best things about this job is the people you meet, especially if they decide to share, the Chauffeurs job is fascinating.

  2. Maybe I will write about the 16-stone ballet dancer who propositioned me one day? Of course I was totally professional and declined the invitation as any self-respecting chauffeur would do.
