Monday, 3 February 2014

Catch Me If You Can

I am still taking time out you know. I haven’t really been involved in the day-to-day running of DrivenByQ since the middle of December. In retrospect it has done me good – I have been able to spend quality time with my baby son and in the process I have learnt a lot about my leadership style.

When you say to people I am taking an extended break, the first thing they ask is ‘how are you affording it’ – well, if you really want to know, I am selling some shares back to the company and in the process, rebalancing the ownership. My majority share always reflected the time spent building our booking system long ago, cashing in now is well timed.

I can’t really switch off from the business completely though. I am always tinkering with something somewhere and one of those things lately has been the development of a new web site. Look at me now, blogging away about it too – I get a kick out of it I suppose.

It reminds me how competitive I can be sometimes. I like being ahead of the competition. It excites me to bring something out before anyone else. It should reflect well on DrivenByQ too and help new customers recognise why we are the market leader delivering such outstanding customer service.

So what exactly am I going on about? Well, to support our new web site with Google we really need a lot of content and it helps to be an (original) authority on a subject for good rankings. So just as well I started this blog four years ago and have updated it weekly ever since. Lots of people thought I was mad all those years ago. Not quite so eh?