Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Who Wants Paper?

Very often these days when I’m at an airport waiting to meet a client, a number of other drivers will be stood around doing the same thing. It is always interesting to observe their methodology. One thing that really makes me cringe is when their mobile phone rings and they pull out a clipboard with a printed spreadsheet while trying to talk to a client.

The spreadsheet will normally have lots of hand-written notes on it with one or two lines of thick black ink through it. Not only do they hand-write their scribbles the first time (while holding a mobile phone) but they have to type them up later when they get back to the office.

I could understand working in this way ten years ago but with the technology available today is there any need? Surely efficiency is about handling information just once? The more you transpose it, the more chance you have of creating errors and it takes longer too.

At DrivenByQ our customer can update a journey on line and the details are fed directly to the driver’s web page at the same time. The driver can read the update securely on a mobile phone. It’s quick, simple and efficient with less chance of errors. Oh, and there is no paper involved either!

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