A Business Consultant with vast experience once advised me, anyone can analyse their business in simple steps. "First, learn to measure information. Then you can record it. Then you can analyse!"
In our chauffeur company we transport people from A to B so often it is easy to assume figures, costs and analysis. When DrivenByQ first interrogated the database though, what we found was startling. Not only did we see how many airport trips were completed each month but also the passenger occupancy rate, driver turnover, driver hours, customer spend, cash turnover, account turnover, in fact everything!
We recognized people carriers were expensive to operate and unnecessary for most journeys. We identified trends and income streams then used the data in seasonal promotions or for purchasing vehicles. The analysis enabled DrivenByQ to view an important issue clearly and easily – Profitability!
The database also condensed the time-intensive, non value-adding chore of invoicing. The time dropped from one hour to just three minutes for each invoice. We saved so much time and money it was astonishing. At the end of the day though, does a customer really want to pay for anything except the journey?
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